Updated: 14th December, 2023

It’s giving season

Maximize the value of your gift by investing alongside the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The holiday season is here, and we are ending the year on a high note by continuing to move funding to great work across the globe. I want to thank everyone who has been a partner with us throughout the years. Your generosity and commitment to making this world we share a better place has been inspiring. And if you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll consider joining our family of change-makers this coming year!

Gates Philanthropy Partners is a public charity that makes it easy for people to give to programs with the greatest impact. Our donors—ranging from kids giving their allowances to other foundations—can maximize the value of their gifts by investing alongside the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Our unique partnership with the foundation means we can quickly identify projects where your donation can have an immediate impact. We also work with you to discuss your passions and interests, and find projects that you want to support.

Our strategic approach to collaborative philanthropy focuses on three funds that we offer today:

The Empowerment and Opportunity fund recognizes that women and girls have the power to change their world and ours. Investing in women and girls has been proven to tackle poverty. Yet too many girls and women are denied an equal chance to learn, lead, earn, and thrive. Your giving makes those opportunities possible.

With the Must-Solve Problems fund, we work towards solving complex problems—from addressing childhood malnutrition to achieving an equitable education— that require resources, partnership, and expertise. Must-Solve Problems is an unrestricted fund that supports urgent work across all the foundation’s portfolios.

With our newest fund, Frontiers: HIV and Sickle-Cell Disease, we recognize that while HIV and sickle-cell disease are among the most prevalent and deadly diseases for children globally, they are problems that can be solved. We have an ambitious plan to end both diseases by creating a single-shot cure that is safe, effective, and affordable for all people, no matter where they live. The Gates Foundation also plans to match 100% of your gift to this transformational program.

We follow a simple three-step process. First, we work with our in-house program experts to curate Gates Foundation-funded projects. Second, we channel donations to vetted projects with the greatest potential for impact. Third, we communicate our collective results, successes, and challenges with you, our partners.

A great example of this is our recent support of safe sanitation for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, where the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is helping implement environmentally sustainable sanitation services that also address the safety of women and girls by including separate women’s hygiene centers.

Bill and Melinda founded GPP to make it easy for others to support many of the same causes they believe in. By giving with us, you are able to accelerate progress on critical issues globally. Above all, you join a community of donors committed to giving everyone a chance at a healthy, productive life.

If you’re interested in our model and want to know how you can get involved, please reach out to [email protected]. And thank you again to all those who have been engaged these past years, we couldn’t have accomplished this incredible work without you!

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